Meg's favorite new word. She wants to do/try everything by herself. This includes climbing up and down most stairs, eating without a bib, and anything else that suits her fancy at the time. But, when she decides she does need help, she asks us "help you?"...she clearly means "help me?" but we cannot get her to understand that. Obviously that comes from us asking her if we can "help you".
She also is very big into counting and colors. She can count to 6 (she has 6 penguins that she LOVES), sometimes 8. But, then will often get very scattered. The funniest instance was then we were walking down the stairs and she was counting and then she got to 8 or so (this time with my help) and then she started shouting out colors. So for the next 8 steps we named colors. All different colors, but yes colors. So clearly even though she can count, she has no idea the purpose behind it.
This weekend she turned 20 months, so now the two girls will officially be at least that far apart. It was 100 degrees so to celebrate we took Meg to Happy Tales in the factory to see the puppies and kitties. She loved petting them and she was amazed because there was "another one" and "another one"...she just said that over and over. She also was surprised that the kitties did not run from her. Obviously these did not know her too well. The only kitty she has really been around is my parents and she hides from Meg most of the time. We also went to lunch at Stoveworks in the factory. We went there by default, because we got there and after we played with the animals I was STARVING. It was the closest place. It was very kid friendly and all the kids meals came with goldfish...which are quite a hit at our house. After nap time Saturday afternoon Cole turned the double stroller box into a fort/tunnel for Meg. She then received crayons, a coloring book and STICKERS (yes stickers) from a baby sitter as a "big sister" gift. So we used the colors and stickers to decorate it. This all went better than expected but the colors and stickers are back up for now. There are a fun pictures of this.
There are also some pictures from Meg and Hurley playing outside before church on Sunday. The camera was fogging up in all the heat so they are not very clear.
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