Thursday, September 2, 2010

1 month...21 months...

Wow, what were we thinking...haha! Actually I would have to say overall things are going well. It is definitely not as bad as some people said it could get. I am just so fortunate to be at home for 16 weeks and be able to send Meg to school 2 days a week so that I can spend optimal time with both of them and Meg is able to get out more than she would otherwise.

Meg is 21 months old and she is talking, talking, talking. She LOVES school and all her "friends" and teachers. I think she keeps them on their toes. She amazes me with the things she says. She knows all her colors red, blue, pink, orange, purple, black, white and usually yellow. She loves to count(1-10 pretty accurate) and we catch her counting things on her own (like her grapes) often. She is working really hard on shapes she knows circle, star, and diamond (odd ones, I know) and is pretty hit or miss on the rest. She tries to say her ABC's but she can't really get very far. She definitely knows snip-its of the song. She has a very strong personality and is very funny. For example just last night she was counting and jumping off the bottom step and had to have Cole and Hurley jump with her. It was quite interesting trying to get Hurley to cooperate. She would always count: 1,2,3, JUMP. But then once she jumped on 2, and then looked at Cole and said "trick you daddy". So funny!! Where does she come up with this stuff??? On the down side, she can throw a fit with the best of them. She can be asked not to do something, resulting in a total melt down, or have one over the wrong person getting her out of her car seat or over what to eat for lunch. But, we are making it through. It is funny to think some days she cries more than Mary Clark.

Mary Clark is 1 month old. I cannot believe it has been a month already. She naps well during the day and some nights sleeps well and other nights does not. But, all pretty typical for this age. She weighs almost 9 pounds and is about 22 inches long. She is not very good or very fond of tummy time. I have got to get into a better routine of pushing this. She also took her first bottles this week and has had no trouble with that transistion. She usually has a long stretch at night between feedings of between 4-5 hours and sometimes 2. Last night she ate at 10:30, 3:45, and then I woke her up at 7:30 to feed her again. But, from 10:30-almost 12 we were both awake. Not sure who fell asleep first either. But, then after eating at 3:45 she fussed a little on and off in her bassinet but never screamed and eventually drifted back to sleep. So I think overall we are making progress in the right direction. Who knows what tonight will bring!

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