Today I took both girls for checkups, shots etc. It was really dreading it but it went a lot better than expected.
Mary Clark 4 months:
24.5 inches: 50-60th percentile (Meg was longer than this at 2 months)
12 pounds 10 oz 25 percentile
She drinks between 28-30 ounces in formula and will start rice cereal soon.
She is adjusting very well to daycare, and naps well there and is generally in a good mood.
She cannot be up much longer than about 1.5-2 hours, but can easily go to sleep in the car, swing, or her bed as long as you get her down before she gets really tired. After she is already showing signs of being tired it is much more difficult.
She often takes 2 long naps 2.5 hours or so, and then in the evening catnaps as we get dinner ready etc, in the swing.
As you can see Mary Clark is much more petite than Meg, which bodes well for me and their clothes. Funny enough, Mary Clark can wear all Meg's Christmas pj's that she wore when she was less than 1 month old. This has given her an abundance of them.
We are very fortunate to have a very healthy, content, and easy going baby.
Meg 2 years:
2 feet 11 inches: 75 percentile
31 pounds 90-95 percentile
Meg still loves school and seeing her friends and teachers. Her wild personality provides entertainment (and frustration) for everyone. She loves to sing songs, color, "play stickers" and read her Christmas books. She is also getting more and more interested in being a big sister. It definitely upsets her if Mary Clark is crying and she tries to give her the paci and asks her whats wrong. Her vocabulary amazes me, as well as her memory. But, her temper does get the best of her especially when she does not get enough sleep. Also, we have recently found out she has a mild peanut allergy. This summer a few times she had a mild reaction of a rash around her mouth, but sometimes no reaction. So at first I was not sure if it was the peanut butter or not. We have been avoiding all nuts recently as a pre-caution, but now we can have any but peanuts. We will re-evaulate her between 3-4 to see if it has gotten better/worse.
Also, we have been so busy and I have not taken many pictures recently. I have to get better.
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