Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday afternoon

I had to start rattling around about 4, to get the girls up. Once they were up an dressed headed to Coolidge Park. There is a beautifully restored Carousel there and yes we rode 4 times total! There is also an awesome splash pad/fountain there. But, it was not going today. It probably doesn't start until later in the season. We did play on the animals were supposed to shoot water. We also walked to the water front to see the river boat. On our way out of the Park a local church was giving away free candy and pictures with the Easter Bunny. We/They got a few interaction shots. But, nothing formal or posed. Mary Clark loves to talk about the Easter Bunny but she is not too keen on getting too close. Then we ate at yummy place over on near the park.(Can't remember the name right now) Then we came back to SWIM! Swimming has definitely been the highlight of their trip. Now we are back in our jammies and the girls are enjoying some hot chocolate. Cole and I are hoping we can stay up and watch some of the game tonight. But, we are not used to staying up and watching things in the Eastern Time Zone.
Sorry the pics are out of order :). But I am sure you can figure it out. Also, one last thing I only had 1 packing disaster. I planned on bringing both girls 2 swimsuits (I hate dealing with wet swimsuits) and I got 2 for Meg, but somehow in the mayhem I forgot. Luckily, I actually brought Meg's tankini, but it was actually Meg's top and Mary Clarks bottom so it was too big, but it worked for Mary Clark.

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